fredag den 9. september 2011

Tamarind (London)

Restaurant: Tamarind

Dette var vores første besøg på den indiske michelin stjernet restaurant Tamarind i London.

Vi valgte menuen kaldt Shahi Dawat, som bestod af (beskrivelse taget næsten direkte af deres online menu):

Spiced chickpeas with mint chutney and sweetened yoghurt topped with tamarind chutney
Supreme of chicken marinated with ginger, green chilli, cream-cheese, coriander stem and cardamom
Tender lamb cutlets with ginger, turmeric, peppercorns and dried mint; chilli-yoghurt dip

Tiger prawns marinated with ginger, yoghurt, paprika, spices and toasted nigella seeds
Monkfish chunks marinated with ginger, fresh mint, lime-leaf, green chilli, and roasted gram flour
Tilapia and mint chutney rolls in a gram flour batter with ginger, ajwain and paprika

Chicken tikka in a sauce of fresh tomatoes, with ginger, red onions, green chillies, and crushed fenugreek leaves
Boneless lamb masala finished with mixed peppers, toasted coriander seeds and chilli flakes
Served with
Steamed vegetables
New potato and okra tossed with onion, tomato and spices
Slow cooked black lentils, a specialty of the Northwest frontier
Braised rice with cumin and saffron
Naan bread

Velvety dark chocolate mousse with a hint of cinnamon and orange zest
Basmati rice simmered in milk flavoured with cloves
Mango & Basil sorbet

Tea / Coffee / Petit Fours

Det var interessant at prøve et sådant udvalg af indisk mad, men vi skulle nok selv have valgt vores retter, da de tre grøntsagsretter ikke lige var os, og der var nok også lige rigelig fiske foretter.

Maden var god, men jeg tror, at man kan finde billigere indiske steder, som kan lave ligesågod indisk mad, så vi vender nok ikke tilbage hertil.

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